By Waylon Bailey
Two items you need to be aware of:
1. Martha and I want you to know how much all of you mean to us. While we have felt this in our heart about you for years, your ministry to us over the last few months has been one of the many blessings in our lives.
This is the way Martha describes it: “I feel that the church has ‘swaddled’ me in their love and prayers.”
Martha will have a follow up surgery June 3. While the margins were clear from the first surgery, the pathology report indicated that additional margin would be helpful. This will give us additional peace of mind about her future.
While it will be surgery and she will have to stay overnight, it is certainly not to the extent of the first surgery.
We are so thankful for God‘s blessings and all of you fit very much at the center of those blessings.
2. Today you will get to hear the Christian testimony of Carl Doescher. As you have been made aware, Carl is coming to us in view of a call as Minister to Junior High Students at FBC Covington.
Carl has served in this position in an interim capacity since January. We have had an opportunity to get to know him and for him to get to know us. He has met with our pastoral team and has joined us in our team meetings. He has also been interviewed by our personnel team, and they are unanimously recommending that he be called to this ministry position.
He will give his testimony today, and we will vote on the recommendation of the personnel team Wednesday evening at 6:45.