By Waylon Bailey
Three things you need to know
First, we welcome Carl Doescher to First Baptist Church as Minister to Junior High Students. We are thankful to have Carl, Megan (who grew up at FBC), and Paisley (two weeks old) serving at FBC.
Carl’s serving with us as Junior High Minister opens up a whole new layer of ministry at our church. We understand the difference between seventh and eighth graders (junior high) and ninth through 12th graders (high school).
We believe this new avenue for ministry will be a blessing to our church and to the kingdom of God. Please be in prayer for Carl and our other pastors as we seek to minister for Christ.
Second, Vacation Bible School is quickly approaching. We will follow the plan that we used last year where we did VBS in 2 1⁄2 days. This year VBS will meet Wednesday – Friday, June 9th-11th and then we will celebrate VBS on Saturday and Sunday, June 12th & 13th.
We still need gifted volunteers to help in all areas of VBS. Would you pray and consider being used of God in this great ministry?
Each year our VBS accounts for more baptisms than any other ministry or program at First Baptist Church. We know that many of the people of our church were saved at Vacation Bible School and we pray that we will see many children know Christ through VBS this year.
Third, we need to remember that this is MEMORIAL DAY weekend. This is a time when we remember and honor those who gave their lives for freedom and country.