By Waylon Bailey
Martha and I want to continue to thank you for your support, prayers, and encouragement during her surgeries and recovery. You may be aware that Martha had her second surgery Thursday, and we are deeply appreciative for your love and care.
As we drove to the surgery Thursday morning, I had the persistent feeling that we had a vast army of God’s warriors praying for us. I cannot tell you how significant that was for both of us.
Let’s take that need to pray for one another to a higher and deeper level. I can assure you that Martha and I are praying differently now – more focused and more fervently for the needs of people both physically and spiritually.
Could I ask you to take that level of prayer to the people around you who need to know the Lord and who need a touch from His kind, loving hand? Would you pray for this weeks’ Vacation Bible School? Please pray for children and families to be open and receptive to the Spirit of God. Please pray that children and adults would hear and receive God’s Word and live their lives under the direction and instruction of our loving heavenly Father.
I look forward to being back with you next weekend and being able to share God‘s Word with you.
During June and July, we will be going through our sermons about Church Now. We will look at how God‘s Word and the work of God is for all people of all backgrounds and ages. We will also look at how we can take God’s truth to the world He loves so much.
In August and September, our sermon series will be Reboot. After a year and a half of pandemic, we need to start some things over and we need to do some things differently.
In Reboot I want to call the church to a deeper level of commitment and service. I look forward to having the opportunity to preach these messages to the people of God.