
By Waylon Bailey

Paul wrote to the church at Philippi, “I thank my God every time I remember you.” One of the reasons he was thankful for the church was because of their “partnership“ in the gospel.

Martha and I think of you as our partners in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We appreciate how you love and care for us and how you have lifted us on your shoulders during the times of Martha’s surgeries.

She is doing better daily and getting stronger and more active. I am thankful to be back worshiping with you this weekend and preaching. She is looking forward to being back with the church soon.

We cannot thank you enough for your love.

As I write this we are in the midst of Vacation Bible School. This year VBS is following the same modified format that we started last year during the pandemic, and it’s a good kind of different. God has been working, and we are seeing great things done for the gospel.

I am sure you use the phrase, “it’s like riding a bike,” a phrase that describes something you never forget. I think the reason you never forget how to ride a bike is because you learned it so early in life.

That is what VBS does for children. It gives them a background and foundation that they never forget. I simply cannot tell you how important VBS and children’s ministry in general is to the church of the

Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you for giving to make this happen and serving to touch children for the rest of their lives.