I hope you had a wonderful Fourth of July, and I hope you are getting ready for a 101% August and September.
101% represents our goal for getting us back to church and ministry as we begin the new school year. Our goal is to have an attendance larger than we had two years ago before the pandemic hit.
We know that people still need to know the Lord. We know they need to be involved in Bible study with small groups of people (Connect Groups). Would you join the pastoral team in giving your best to make sure we get off to a new and better start and that we fulfill the ministry God has called us to accomplish?
Beginning July 31 all of our ministries and activities will be back at full capacity. I personally am looking forward to the places and times I’ll get to preach and teach. In addition to preaching on the weekends, I will be leading Tuesday Men’s Breakfast and teaching the church from Holy Scripture on Wednesday evening for Wednesday worship.
Over the next few weeks, I will be telling you my plans for our new sermon series, for Tuesday mornings, and Wednesday evenings.
Please be in prayer for God‘s blessings as we look to our new beginning.
Waylon Bailey