
Today we begin our ReBoot sermon series. When we planned this, weeks and months ago, we hoped the pandemic would be behind us and we would be able to move forward with the normal things we have done in the past.

That, of course, is not happening right now. And I’m okay with that. I want to remind you that we are going to be fine and that God is going to continue to work among us.

Here’s the way I think we need to look at ReBoot.
We need to use it as a time to reboot our love for God and our deep commitment to Him.
During this time, our pastors have been amazed at how many new people have responded to God and are calling on Him. We are seeing people saved and lives changed.
Shouldn’t that always need to be our emphasis? Don’t we need to look at our relationship with Christ even more in these difficult times?
Many of you cannot attend with us in person, but you can be people of genuine devotion to God who live your lives seeking to please Him. Those of us who can attend in person can do the same.
We all can seek to be more like Christ and to live faithfully for Him.
With all this in mind, would you devote yourself to a deeper, more meaningful relationship to
God? Would you look for tangible ways to please and serve Him?

If we will all do this, these difficult days will be very meaningful and very blessed.


Waylon Bailey