
One Week Away . . .

Interested in becoming a member of FBC? Would you like your questions answered about baptism and membership? Do you have questions about our mission – in the church, in the community, and in the world? Do you want to know how and where you can get connected or volunteer? Do you wonder what our pastors do all week?

Then we have just the place for you to come and get all these questions answered.

Next Sunday, August 29th at 5:00PM in the Fellowship Hall

Come ask your questions, learn our values, and let the Pastoral Team get to know you personally. By the end of the evening, you’ll know the ins and outs of FBC Covington and where you can fit in! We call this our Discovery Class.

Goals of the Discovery Class:

• Orient you to the purpose, values, vision, and strategy of FBC.

• Explain the significance and importance of baptism.

• Tell you why membership is meaningful.

• Introduce you to FBC Covington Ministries and Staff.

• Develop your Personal Action Plan to discover your place on the team.

• Host a time of open questions and answers.

We do this so that you can learn who we are, join us in God’s work, and become an integral part of FBC’s mission to bring God’s kingdom to earth.

-Waylon Bailey