Next weekend is our annual “River Baptism” at the Bogue Falaya Park in downtown Covington. I hope you will join us to celebrate, and if you have not followed Christ in baptism, I hope you will consider being baptized.
Why should you be baptized, and what does it mean? Here are some answers to both questions.
First, Jesus began His earthly ministry with His own baptism in the River Jordan by John the Baptist. While we still don’t know what Jesus meant when He said that He would be baptized to “fulfill all righteousness,” we certainly know the significance of His choosing to be baptized.
Second, Jesus told His followers to take the Gospel to the world to make disciples. He also told them to baptize those disciples. This command came at the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry shortly before He ascended to heaven. Thus, at the beginning and the end of His ministry, Jesus emphasized baptism. You and I should emphasize it as well.
Third, your baptism uniquely marks you as a follower of Jesus Christ. If you look at the Book of Acts, you will notice that all who followed Christ were baptized. It was the natural progression of becoming a follower of Christ.
Finally, baptism is not a ritual. It marks a relationship. Therefore, we ask that you talk with a pastor about your relationship with Christ. We want you to know Him and live your life for Him.
It is for this reason that we ask you to walk to the front of the building during our “invitation” time at each worship service. God has called us to shepherd His people, and we want to do that well. Call our office so that we can set up a time to pray and talk with you about following Christ.
Beginning your journey with Christ and following Him in baptism will make our day!
-Waylon Bailey