
Things of Note . . .

We have much to give thanks for.

God truly blessed us with His mercy and protection. I am grateful that we had no loss of life in our congregation from Hurricane Ida. I am also grateful for God’s continual blessings and care.

We have much to do.

Would you join me in looking for opportunities to bless the people around us? This is a time for generosity.

Here are ways you can help:

➢ give to Disaster Relief through First Baptist Church. We will use your special gifts to meet local

needs and to bless other churches who are ministering to their people. We have given to

churches at least twice in the past and we have seen them use those funds in very meaningful


➢ contribute the items listed on our website. These are common items which will be helpful to

people around us and/or to the areas to our west and south which were so greatly impacted.

➢ help your family and neighbors give their property cleaned up.

We have opportunities.

The opportunities to show the love of Christ help us “make friends for Jesus.” Nothing will show our love and sincerity like doing those tangible things to meet human needs.

May you and I take every opportunity to “give a reason for the hope we have in Christ” 1 Peter 3:15.

-Waylon Bailey