
I hope that you had a happy Thanksgiving – Martha and I had great family time with our children and grandchildren – so much to be thankful for.
I want to let you know of the upcoming events we have scheduled. These will be a time of celebration and family fun.

Sunday November 28th at 6:00PM join us in the Courtyard for our Christmas Tree Lighting Event! Refreshments will be provided, and the bookstore will be open

Friday December 3rd at 7:00PM THE CHOSEN: THE MESSENGERS movie is being shown in the Worship Center. This is a special Christmas movie for the entire family! Tickets must be purchased in advance online through our website No tickets will be available at the church. The bookstore will be open from 6-7PM

Saturday December 4th at 10:00AM Miss Patty Cake: A Birthday Party for Jesus. Geared for preschool children/families. Registration is required through our website / $5 per family.

Tuesday December 7th at 10:30AM Young at Heart Christmas Program for adults 55+, free event, no reservations required. Along with Christmas Carol sing-along and other special music, I get to give a message about Christmas.

Saturday/Sunday December 11th & 12th Our music and worship teams are putting together special Christmas music throughout the month of December. We will have an extra special weekend of worship on December 11th & 12th featuring our Choir, Orchestra, and Children’s Choir.

Friday December 24th at 1:00PM, 3:00PM, and 5:00PM Christmas Eve Services with the Lord’s Supper. Please plan to attend one of our special Christmas Eve Services with your family – it is a time of remembering the real meaning behind Christmas and why we celebrate. A special orchestra concert will start 20 minutes before each service. Childcare 0-2 years by reservation ONLY Email Darlene at

Saturday December 25th Christmas Day – No Saturday night service.
Sunday December 26th we will have regular services at 9:30AM & 11:00AM but no Connect Groups.
Saturday January 1st New Year’s Day – No Saturday night service.
Sunday January 2nd we will be back to regular services and Connect Groups.


– Waylon Bailey