Dr. Waylon Bailey
We thank God for His mercy and His care over us. While many people certainly suffered through Hurricane Zeta, we know that we received the blessing and mercy of God.
Let us be faithful in giving thanks unto God.
Because of Hurricane Zeta, we had to postpone our October 28th Congregational Meeting until this Wednesday, November 4, at 6:45 PM in Central Hall.
➢ This meeting will be important for disseminating information related to our attendance, finances, and ministries of First Baptist Church.
➢ I am encouraged about how we have moved through this pandemic and I want to share with you some of those reasons for encouragement.
➢ We will also hear of a request to adopt another congregation as a campus of FBC. We will not vote on this proposal, but we will attempt to answer questions and to give as much information as possible.
2021 BUDGET INFORMATION: Beginning today, you will have the 2021 proposed budget of FBC available. This is a condensed summary of a much larger document.
This proposed budget will be discussed and voted on as follows:
➢ November 18, 2020: Wednesday Congregational Meeting we will discuss the budget – but not vote.
➢ December 5 & 6, 2020: Weekend worship services we will vote on the budget – but not discuss.
I hope you will pick up your summary and spend time reading and praying about the ministries of FBC.