
Happy New Year! 

Martha and I are enjoying some time to relax, spend time with family, and get caught up on a number  of things we needed to accomplish. Thank you for allowing us this time. I appreciate Josh and Chris  and our other pastors who have made it possible for us to take some time off. 

We have much to do in this new year. Please join with me in praying and seeking God as we serve  Him. 

Here are some areas to help you get off to a good start this year. 

First, Chris Kroll, our Student Pastor, is finishing up today the Sermon Series: THANKFUL &  BLESSED as we look at God’s Path to Blessings for the coming new year. 

Second, next weekend we will recognize and pray for two newly ordained deacons who begin service  this year. Please join us as we pray for Darrell Fussell (Holly) and Rob Hatley (Josette) in all three  weekend worship services. These two men will join with twenty seven additional deacons to help  oversee the ministry to our church members. 

Third, let’s get the new year started right by joining with other believers in worship and ministries. Starting this Wednesday, we will meet together in our normal church ministries. I will continue my  verse by verse teaching through 1–2 Corinthians. 

Fourth, next week I will kick off our new sermon series, FRESH WISDOM FOR A NEW YEAR. We  desperately need the wisdom that is from above and comes from God Himself. 

I hope to see you there, and I look forward to our ministry for 2022. 

Finally, let us be faithful to pray for those around us who are hurting and alone. May God bless us and use us to minister to others.

