
I hope you were able to have a wonderful Christmas time. We were certainly blessed to have meaningful  worship services on Christmas Eve. Thanks to all of you who made it a very special time. 

We are now ready to look at the new year and continue with our vision for the future. Here are some  things you need to know as we begin 2022. 

First, we will begin next week with our new sermon series called “Fresh Wisdom for a New Year”. As  a nation and as individuals, we can certainly understand that we need wisdom – wisdom that is from above  and comes from God Himself. 

Second, this past week we closed on purchasing the 15.46 acres adjacent to our church building on  Highway 1085. This purchase will position us for the future in ministry to our community. Please be in  prayer as we develop plans for use of this land. 

Third, we have begun developing plans for our new capital campaign to pay for the 15.5 acres as well  as renovate Central Hall, strengthen our additional campuses, and pay down our building loan. Please  be in prayer for those who will lead and for each of us as we make our important commitments. 

Finally, we must make commitments to put Christ above all and to seek Him with all our hearts. Only as  we do this can we be successful in the other areas. 

May God bless you as you seek to live for Him in this new year.