My mother had strange rituals concerning New Year’s Day and the new year.
She said that whatever you did on New Year’s Day you would do all year long. That was fine with me because we watched college football every January 1! My mother would not vacuum or sweep on New Year’s Day!
My mother wasn’t superstitious; it was just a funny saying for her.
But I like to think of what she said in this way: It is true. What you do the first of the year you often continue throughout the year. The new year is a good year to begin new habits.
Let me give you some actions that hopefully will turn to habits.
- Worship God regularly each weekend. The Scripture tells us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. We need the church, and we need the fellowship and encouragement of other believers.
- Read, memorize, and meditate on God’s Word. God’s Word is a light for our paths and a lamp for our feet. His Word blesses us and keeps us from sin. My pastor gave me a Bible at my ordination and wrote on the first page: “Waylon, this book will keep you from sin, and sin will keep you from this book.” We obviously need to stay close to Holy Scripture.
- Giving is an action that will show you the attitude of your heart. God commands that we give. While we don’t all give the same, all of us should give something.
- Let us pray earnestly and fervently for God’s will to be done on earth and for His kingdom to come.
- Reach out to others. Studies have shown that most people will join you at church if you ask. This is especially true for our friends. You can’t give a better gift than helping your friends know Christ.
Let me offer you an opportunity that will help you with all of these habits. On Sunday, February 6 at 12:15 PM we will offer our next Discovery Class. It will include a light meal and it will help you get connected at FBC. We say that this class is for new members and for those interested in church membership, but it’s also to help you get more closely connected to Christ and His church.
We hope you will join with us for this important time. You can sign up at our church website.
We are looking forward to seeing you.
– Waylon Bailey