I have often said that Wednesday Night is the best kept secret at First Baptist Church.
What makes it so good?
Fellowship. Wednesday night allows groups to get together and to know one another. It also is a time when all age groups can meet.
We have ministry groups for Preschool, Children, Youth, and Adults. Though we have hundreds of people present, it’s small enough in each group to get to know other people.
Training. Wednesday night is a time of learning and growing. Our children have a blast at B.L.A.S.T.—Biblical Learning and Spiritual Training. They learn Scripture and how to use it.
While BLAST refers to our children’s group, they are not the only ones who get training in Godliness and not the only ones having a blast doing it!
Variety. Wednesday nights allow us to bring some variety to our teaching. For example, I teach a verse-by-verse Bible Study each week. This week we begin a new study of 1-2 Thessalonians.
We have ongoing support groups meeting including DivorceCare and GriefShare. As well as offering the Spring EQUIP classes of Financial Peace, and a six-week Bible study for women “Forgiving What you Can’t Forget” by Lysa Terkeurst – that started this past week. PLACE will begin 2/16/22.
And, if you are interested in music, we have both Orchestra and Adult Choir practice, which is a great place to meet people and get plugged in.
Fun and Food. About once a month we have a food night. Wednesday, February 2, Jersey Mike’s will be providing sandwiches for purchase. You can get pricing and signup on our website.
These are some of the things that make Wednesday Nights at FBC so good!
– Waylon Bailey