Martha and I are taking a few days off this week, but we are looking forward to seeing you next
weekend. We are also looking forward to getting ourselves ready for Easter and for our new
capital campaign with the sermon series entitled: “Anchored.”
The series will be a “Tell me the story of Jesus“ series. We will look at the life, ministry, and
teaching of Jesus as found in the gospels. I hope that you will join with me in getting ready to
worship as we remember the cross and resurrection.
Would you also make this a time of recommitment of your life to live for God and to serve him
through the local church?
For two years our ministry and worship has been distracted and hindered. Let us make this a
time in which we serve God “unhindered.” That word is the last word in the Acts of the
Apostles, a word describing Paul’s preaching in the midst of great tribulation.
Let us be unhindered in our devotion and service to God.
Would you make this a time in which we all get back to church and back to our Connect
Groups? We are planning for a high attendance day March 19 and 20. I pray that you will be
part of this and will encourage your friends and family to join you as well.
Next Sunday, March 6 at 6:30 PM, we will have a service of ordination of Carl Doescher
to gospel ministry. This will occur in the ROC and will be led by our pastors and the youth
praise band. Please join with us as we affirm Carl’s call to ministry.
– Waylon Bailey