Today we begin a new sermon series entitled: “ANCHORED” as we look forward to getting ourselves
ready for Easter and for our new capital campaign.
The series is a “Tell me the story of Jesus” series and will look at the life, ministry, and teaching of
Jesus as found in the gospels. I hope that you will join with me in getting ready to worship as we
remember the cross and resurrection.
The Capital Campaign The month of March is our kick-off for our Anchored Campaign. Throughout the
month, you will hear our vision and receive information about how we can all be a part of this future
oriented event. We will ask you to pray, encourage, and give for future ministry in our region.
Also, there are UPCOMING EVENTS that you need to know about:
March 6th at 6:30 PM, we will have a service of ordination of Carl Doescher to gospel ministry. This will occur in the ROC and will be led by our pastors and the youth praise band. Please join with us as we affirm Carl’s call to ministry.
March 9th Wednesday Night is Chick-Fil-A Night 5:30pm-6:30pm. This is a great time for you to come fellowship before classes/Bible Study with family & friends. You can get pricing and signup on our website.
March 13th Daylight Saving Time begins.
March 19th & 20th High Attendance Day: Would you make this a time in which we all get back to church and back to our Connect Groups? We are planning for a high attendance day March 19th and 20th. I pray that you will be part of this and will encourage your friends and family to join you as well.
March 27th Discovery Class at 5:00PM. Our Discovery Class is extremely valuable as we seek to help people get involved at FBC Covington. This is a time to meet the Pastoral Staff and ask questions. We provide a light meal and childcare is available. Please sign up in advance if possible by stopping by the Hospitality Room after service and letting one of the Pastors know, or by going to our website at
-Dr. Waylon Bailey