A New Two Year Record!
Over the last few weeks, I have reported to you how our worship and Bible Study (Connect
Groups) have been trending up. Two weeks ago we hit a two year high for worship attendance.
That was very encouraging.
This past weekend we did that again. In fact, we not only hit a two year high, but we also exceeded
the attendance of the same weekend from 2019 (the last full pre-pandemic year). Our Connect
Group attendance was equally encouraging as we set a two year high attendance as well.
This tells me two things:
First, we are beginning to feel more confident about Covid-19. I am thankful for that.
Second, we haven’t lost our spiritual vigor. Paul told the church at Rome, “Never be lacking in
zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord” (Romans 12:11). That is the word for modern
Christians as well. We have not come to a time of coasting or resting. We have been called to be
faithful and to proclaim Christ.
Let me ask you again to look at your spiritual vigor.
• Are you worshiping regularly?
• Are you practicing spiritual disciplines?
• Are you praying, growing, studying Scripture, giving, witnessing?
• Are you getting fully connected to the church by participating in a Connect Group?
These are the times to ramp up our growth in Christ.
As we approach Easter, would you join with me in renewing your vigor and seeking to please Christ
in all things?
-Dr. Waylon Bailey