
We are coming to the most significant time of our church year. As we celebrate the resurrection of  Christ, we also remember the significance of this event.  

Paul clearly stated the case: “If Christ has not been raised, we are of all people most to be pitied.”  Our hope and our faith is in the finished work of Christ on the cross. His resurrection validates what  He did for the forgiveness of our sins. 

As Paul would also say, “Since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus,  God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep.” 

Our hope is in Christ and in Christ, alone. 

For this reason, we will gather together to worship Christ, to tell the good news, and to celebrate the  resurrection. We hope you will take advantage of times of worship and service in the coming days.  

Here are things you need to know.  

Sunday, April 3, at 5:00PM. We will meet to discuss our Anchored Capital Campaign and to hear  about future plans and opportunities. This is an hour and fifteen minute meeting including  refreshments. 

Wednesday, April 6. Our regular Wednesday night activities preceded by “Food Truck Night” beginning at 5:30PM at the East Entrance. 

Saturday & Sunday, April 9 &10. We will make our commitments for the Anchored Capital  Campaign.  

Thursday, April 14, at 7:00PM. Our Maundy Thursday service observing the Lord’s Supper. 

On Easter weekend, we will have our worship services and Connect Groups at the regularly  scheduled times Saturday evening and Sunday morning. We are thankful to be able to return to a  regular schedule for both Bible Study and worship. All three worship services will be the same with  choir and orchestra in each one.  

May God use this time to make Himself known and to remind us of our great hope.

-Dr. Waylon Bailey