

Today ends our ANCHORED series and begins a new eight week sermon series entitled WHY?

Many of you know that I like to answer the “Why” questions. Strangely, I don’t ask many “Why” questions of others, but I love answering why I believe, feel, and practice as I do. I also love talking about how we live in relationship to the Bible.

Therefore, I will be preaching and trying to answer WHY questions.  They will be questions such as these, “Why don’t we believe in ‘high holy days’ which are more important than other days?”  I will also try to answer questions such as “Why do we discourage the use of alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs?”

I think you can see where I’m trying to go with this series. I want to be as practical and as biblical as possible.

Two statements that you will hear a lot in this series are: Satan is a liar – and – God is the truth.

We do not want to live like the world, but we very much want to live like Jesus.  We must know the truth, and we must live by the truth.

If nothing else, this sermon series will be interesting.  I pray you will make it more than that by seeking God and His truth, that you will be determined to live your life according to the plan and work of God for you.

 -Dr. Waylon Bailey