
During the month of May we have two important events which will help you get to know First Baptist Church better.

Sunday May 15, 5:00-7:00 PM – is our Discovery Class. This will be our last one until after school begins in August.

Our Discovery Class is set up for people who are new to First Baptist Church and are interested in church membership. At the conclusion of the class, we invite people to become members of our church.

We also use this time to introduce you to pastors and deacons of the church and to discuss the vision, values, and goals of First Baptist Covington.

Over the years more than 2000 people have attended the Discovery Class. We believe that this would be helpful for those of you who have never attended. Please make plans to attend and if you can, sign-up on our website at

Wednesday May 25, at 6:45 PM – we will have our next congregational meeting. These meetings normally have to do with business discussion and voting about various issues. This meeting will be very different. While we may have a few small items for which we need to take a vote, for the most part this will be an information meeting.

This is what you will learn:

  • How we’re doing in attendance for worship and connect groups compared to 2019 (the last year before the pandemic). We all want to know how we’re doing, and this will give us an opportunity to discuss it.
  •  How we are doing for our general budget for the year 2022.
  • The totals to date pledged for the Anchored Capital Campaign and the number of families which have made commitments.
  • How our other campuses are doing.
  • How we anticipate beginning to disperse the funds for the things that we have designated.

We are hopeful that we can give you good, concise information that will help you as you think of our responsibilities as the people of God.

I look forward to seeing you for these important events.

 -Dr. Waylon Bailey