
VBS, Your Children, and their Safety

Vacation Bible School is quickly approaching on June 7th, 8th, & 9th, and hope you will make sure
your children join with us.

Your children need to be involved in VBS. Each year almost half of our baptisms come either directly
or indirectly from children who attend Vacation Bible School. Their attendance gives them a love for
God’s Word that will stay with them all their lives and also helps establish a love and hunger for God.
That is exactly what happened with me, and I hope it will happen with your children as well.

You must register for VBS so that we can make sure we have the right number of teachers and all
of the children in the correct places. You can probably imagine how big a job it is to prepare for over
900 children and almost 500 volunteers. Registration ends May 31 (this Tuesday)!

Let me remind you of our desire to protect your children in every way. All thirteen of our full time
pastors have children or grandchildren. We love them deeply, and we love your children as well. We
want your children treated and cared for the way we want our children treated and cared for.

For this reason, we have put together layers of protection for them. We constantly look for other
ways that we can protect them as well. This is true for VBS and for Connect Groups and worship
services. Please pray for children and leaders for VBS and for their safety and protection.

Pray for them to open their whole lives to God for all of life. 

-Dr. Waylon Bailey 

Register For VBS!