I have very much enjoyed preaching the Why? sermon series.
I actually don’t ask why of many other people, but I certainly ask why of myself and of our church.
I have enjoyed explaining the “Whys” of what we do.
This weekend I am preaching about “Why We Seek to Progress as Believers.”
As you anticipate the sermon and then hear it, would you ask yourself what you need to do to progress in your service and ministry for Christ?
God has provided wonderful “wide boulevards“ to prepare us to live for Christ and to serve Him.
Here’s the problem: many of us have not taken advantage of those opportunities. How do we grow? We study Scripture, serve, give, minister, and worship regularly with the church. Are you taking advantage of all the ways – – or at least some of them – – to progress in Christ? What about your connect group, or Wednesday night worship, or the many children and youth activities to help your children progress in Christ?
God wants us to “work out” our salvation in fear and trembling.
I pray that you will give your best to grow in Christ and in your ministry for Him.
-Dr. Waylon Bailey