I want to tell you about VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL
This past week our Vacation Bible School was a whirlwind of energy, excitement, fun, and great spiritual devotion. In short, we had a good time as we sought to be pleasing to God.
Here are some of the things you need to know about our Vacation Bible School.
First, we had over 780 children who participated and over 400 volunteers. Both groups together averaged over 1230 in attendance each day.
You can see what a big undertaking this is. As you’ve heard me say, “The people who run VBS at FBC could run small countries (and maybe a very large one as well)!
Second, our children gave over $700 to be used for missions with a sister church in Colombia. None of us knows what this will mean in eternity, but we can thank God for our children who are learning to give and who are already giving.
Third, we collected over 1000 food items to be given to the Samaritan Center who we partner with in helping our local community. We filled the beds of 3 pick-up trucks with the jars/cans of spaghetti sauce, boxes/packages of pasta, boxes of crackers, and canned goods that were packed in crates and stacked. It was an incredible sight to see!
Fourth, we believe over 100 children gave their life to Christ. We will now begin the process of follow-up. I thank God for the eternal difference made by our VBS.
Fifth, we will repurpose our decorations and literature by giving them to FBC Kenner and FBC Slidell and Red Bluff Baptist Church in Folsom. We do this as we continually try to be good stewards of the money you give for God’s work.
Thank you to all who volunteered, and thanks to all of you who give your offerings week by week. Together you make our Vacation Bible School possible.
Finally, I was deeply encouraged by the teachers who indicated a deep desire on the part of the children to know about God and to grow deeper in Him. Nothing is as important as knowing God.
-Dr. Waylon Bailey