Would you join me in specific and targeted prayer?
Wednesday night I taught from Joshua 1 and emphasized the cooperation of the people of God in taking the land which the Lord had promised to give them. I then noted how many good and wonderful things can happen when people work together.
We have all seen the truth of that statement.
I then asked that group, “What would happen if all of us gathered together and prayed for the same need?”
I had not planned to do this, but I then asked them to pray specifically this targeted prayer – that God would give us a great harvest this weekend.
I want to ask you to pray with me and with many of your fellow believers and church members that God would give us a harvest. Over the last month, God has laid on my heart the need for people to turn to God and trust Him as their Lord and Savior. We live in perilous times, and the return of the Lord is closer than ever. Now is the day of salvation.
Would you pray specifically for people that God lays on your heart? Would you pray continuously for God to bring a great harvest in our midst?
Many of you read this prior to weekend worship. Would you pray? And, if you read this at the beginning or during the service, would you pray for God to bless us with a harvest of souls?
-Dr. Waylon Bailey