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Lagniappe December 21st

I agree with the songwriter that “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”

Most of us would agree with that statement to some degree. After all, families get together, people wish each other a “Merry Christmas” and we give presents to people we wouldn’t normally seek to bless.

But I think of it as a wonderful time because of what it represents.

First, it shows that God is present with His people. When Christ came into the world, His Presence never left. Though Christ ascended into heaven, the Father sent the gift of the Spirit to be with us in every place and at every

As I reflect over this thought, I consider this the most wonderful aspect of God in my life. He is present with me right here and right now. As the psalmist said, we cannot get away from the presence of God. What a wonderful assurance!

Second, it opens the way to God. When God sent His Son, God provided for us a way to know Him and to live with Him forever. We sometimes underestimate this truth. The Apostle Paul didn’t miss the significance this great hope. He knew that God had done for him what he could never achieve by himself.

Third, it is good news of great joy which is for all the people “for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” – Luke 2:10-11.

That statement alone makes this time of celebration wonderful.

May God make your celebration a wonderful time of joy, peace, and hope.