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Lagniappe October 6th

Beginning in January, we are planning to emphasize people coming to know and follow Christ with a special emphasis called “Who’s Your One”.

Have you considered what would happen if we all would simply seek to reach one person we already know for Christ? How many could be reached if we determined to pray daily for our ONE?

Last week, I heard Dr. Steve Horn, the new Executive Director of the Louisiana Baptist Convention talk about three numbers.

4,652,321–the approximate population of Louisiana

33–the number of cities in Louisiana without a Baptist Church

1–that ONE person we all can pray for and seek to reach.

His point was that we can all do something about ONE person and that as a convention we can help plant new churches so there is not one place without a strong, Godly witness.

God has given us the privilege and responsibility of going into all the world with the Gospel. We should begin in our homes, schools, workplaces, and neighborhoods. We all know ONE. We all should seek to win that soul for Christ.

As we move through the Fall, we will prepare you for winning your ONE. In January, we will continue to equip to do the work of ministry as you pray for and reach your ONE.