Our third congregational meeting for the year 2019 will be held this weekend – Sunday, September 8
at 6:00 pm in Central Hall.
Our congregational meetings are important times for us. Our by-laws and our church culture calls for
transparency in our meetings. For this reason, and because we are congregationally governed, I hope
you will join us for this meeting.
In addition to a lot of information about the church, you will be asked to approve a recommendation
from the Finance Ministry Team.
The Finance team recommends we accept a gift from a family in the church of a chapel to be built on the
three acres bordered by Bricker Rd, Murphy Rd, and Tyler Street (Highway 21). If accepted and
approved, construction will begin as soon as possible, maybe as early as October 1, and will be
completed in about a year.
In addition, you will hear plans by the Finance team concerning our building loan. They are in
negotiations to extend the length of our loan and possibly to lower rates as well. This does not require
congregational approval, but we do need you to know the plans. We will also have other small items
which you need to approve.
In every congregational meeting I discuss our vision and opportunities of future ministry to our
community and our world.
I look forward to seeing you this Sunday evening.