LIFE app: My Positive Plan for Lent or Easter or Life

By: Waylon Bailey

This is an interesting week in south Louisiana, parts of south Alabama and a few other places in the world. Apart from these areas, the strange phenomenon of Mardi Gras is not widely followed.

Mardi Gras or “Fat Tuesday” is celebrated the days and the day before the solemn day of Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday begins Lent, the 40 days of fasting and repentance that leads up to Easter.

I have a resolution but it does not coincide with Lent, Easter, or even the New Year. It is simply something I believe God has laid on my heart. It is certainly something I need to do. It isn’t negative (as something I have to give up); it’s positive and it’s something I really want to do.

I want to become a person of greater gratitude and deeper appreciation for those who have blessed my life.

Earlier this week I communicated with the daughter of the man who taught me more about being a pastor than any other person. He and his wife have gone to be with the Lord, but he continues to make a profound difference in me as a pastor. He took me under his wing and blessed my life. Much of what I know about leading a church comes from Bobby Brown. I saw how he led the church, and I followed his lead.

One day soon, I will write about Bobby and Dorothy Brown and what they meant to me.

Most of the people I wish to thank are no longer on earth. I wish I could communicate with them about what they mean to me and how they influenced my life.

can do that with many other people.

I don’t want to give you a goal. You should make that for yourself. It just seems to me that expressing gratitude and thanks would be a wonderful goal for Easter–and for the rest of our lives.

Would you join me in doing so?

Have a great week!