~by Waylon Bailey
Life is filled with many disappointments.
We all know what they are. We hurt because of loss of employment, physical problems, and relationships. One of the most difficult is the hurt within families, both in marriages and among children.
How do we handle such disappointments?
Jeremiah suffered because he lived obediently before God. He obeyed God and suffered as a result. After he faithfully followed God in warning the priests and elders of Judah of coming judgment, the high priest had him arrested, beaten, and placed in the stocks in a public place in Jerusalem. He had him locked up over night for further humiliation.
Jeremiah gives us a wonderful example of living for God even when life doesn’t go the way we want.
First, we can learn to deal with the disappointments of life by following the example of others. Jeremiah suffered terribly but remained faithful to God’s direction. I am thankful for people in the generation ahead of me for their faithfulness though the hurts of life. As I have seen them deal with physical problems and even death, I am encouraged to keep going and not to quit.
Jeremiah gave that same example.
Second, we can seek God diligently in prayer. Jeremiah prayed honestly to God in passages biblical scholars label as his “confessions.” Jeremiah 20:7-13 is one such passage. Jeremiah did not complain about God, but he did talk to God about his disappointments.
Third, we can make commitments to obey God no matter what. Jeremiah lived this way. So can we.
When we seek God and desire to please Him, we see beyond our present situation and see what God can do through us.
Finally, we can counsel with Godly people who will encourage us to be strong and courageous and not to quit. We need the encouragement of others as we go through the rigors of life.
Where better place than the church to find people who love God and who will love us.
Have a great week!