Lagniappe: Looking at the ANCHORED Campaign

Eighteen months ago, we began a three-year capital campaign called “ANCHORED”. We wanted to emphasize that we are anchored in Christ and that He is our hope for today and for the future.

At that time the church committed to give $4.4 million for several capital improvements to the church. These were:

  • purchase the 15.46 acres adjoining the west side of the church property along Highway 1085;
  • renovate Central Hall, the auditorium that was used as our worship center when we moved to this location in 2001;
  • make limited renovations to the ROC (where our students meet) and to our Special Friends area;
  • as well as strengthening our other campuses.

We have accomplished parts of these except for the renovation of Central Hall. We have already started moving forward on the planning of that renovation and hope the work will begin shortly.

Since the pledging of the $4.4 million we have received $2.177 million to date, which is on target to receive all of the $4.4 million within the pledge time period.

I want to encourage you in what you have done to better equip this campus for outreach and ministry.

Most capital campaigns do not meet their goals in the allotted time. It looks as if we will be the exception to that rule. I cannot tell you how thankful I am for you, your generosity, and your faithfulness to the Lord and His church.

May God continue to bless us as we continue to serve Him.
