Making the Most of the Parenthesis

By Waylon Bailey.

How have I heard people describe this time? Well, just yesterday, “crazy,” “strange,” “unprecedented” (of course), and “surreal.”

While this time is all of the above, it is also time to be bold and daring. It is time to make the most of this parenthesis.

We may be in this parenthesis of pandemic for months. We could also be in the parenthesis of waiting for Christ’s return for the remainder of our lives.

We should seek to make the most of any time that we have.

That’s where our next sermon series is going. I want to challenge you to make the most of the parenthesis by practicing spiritual disciplines in order to become like Christ.

Our goal is Godliness, to become like Christ. We are commanded to practice holiness and to live in obedience to God.

God has given spiritual disciplines to prepare us for heaven and to become like Christ on earth. Scripture commands this. “Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification (holiness) without which no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14).

God made you to be like Christ. This is our goal.

Please join us in worship for the next several weeks as we seek to make the most of this time.