We have just finished Vacation Bible School 2020. Boy, was it different, but different in a good sense.
One little girl who couldn’t come the first day told her mother, “All I want to do is see my friends and hear about Jesus.” I’m so thankful she got to do that in day two and three.
I am thankful for the number of children saved and for the influence of Holy Scripture on their lives.
This weekend we also get to honor and encourage recent high school graduates. This group has had more upheaval, in what would’ve been a fun senior year, than any group since World War II. What a joy it is to point them toward God and send them off to see what God will do in their lives.
These two groups typify what we see as our calling and responsibility at FBC. We want to equip the next generation and send them out to live for God in a world that is lost and hurting.
We are called to equip this generation to continue sharing the gospel message in their homes, their workplaces, and around the world.
To do this we must be diligent and faithful. We must give financially to the work of ministry. We must pray fervently for God’s leadership and blessings. And, we must give of ourselves as we volunteer to work with preschoolers, children, and youth.
I want to remind you that we all are called to do the work of ministry, and that we cannot do this ministry without dedicated, faithful volunteers who give their best for the kingdom of God.
Would you re-commit yourself to carrying out this great commission?