Please Don’t Miss

By: Waylon Bailey

A view of church life at First Baptist Covington.

First Baptist Church Covington has several important events over the next few weeks. These are important to the church and important for you.

Wednesday, March 19, at 6:15 PM. This Wednesday we meet as a church body to hear a presentation from our architects and from the Strategy Planning Team. This is one of the several congregational meetings which will bring us to the point of expansion of our church campus.

I believe it is important for as many members of the church as possible to be present.

Sunday, March 23, 5:00-7:30. Our next Discovery Class meets next Sunday evening at 5:00 PM. The Discovery Class is designed for every member of the church. We discuss the values, vision, and beliefs of First Baptist Church.

This is certainly a must for new members and for everyone who is interested in membership. Over the years 2,000 people have participated in our Discovery Class. This class is extremely helpful in preparing people for membership and reminding us who we are and why we exist.

Sunday, March 30, 7:00 PM. We have the wonderful pleasure of hosting Keith and Kristin Getty for a night of praise. The Gettys are from Ireland and have written some of the most significant new hymns of our faith. You will certainly recognize “In Christ Alone” as well as other of their hymns.

Tickets are on sale (only $5.00) online and in the Steeple Foyer each weekend. This is one of those  opportunities you don’t want to miss. We are blessed to be able to have them in our community.

May God bless you as we move toward Easter Sunday when we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.