Searching God’s Will For The Church

Obviously and completely, a church should seek God’s guidance and direction. Church cannot be what I want or what I think, it must be about God and His desires for His local body of believers. In all our ways we should acknowledge Him in order that He may direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).

As we go through this momentous time of understanding how God wants us to provide for additional space for ministry, we need to seek God’s leading. How should we do this?

First, we must be people of prayer. God has certainly led us in the past and He will lead us in the future. Every decision will be made with a time of struggle. When we relocated from downtown Covington every decision pointed to the necessity to relocate and to do so in our current location. Even then, we struggled with making the right decision.

As we pray corporately and personally, we will be ready to make these important decisions.

Second, we must talk with one another. One of the blessings of our current process has been talking with many of you. As a pastoral team we have tried to hear your heart and communicate that to our architects. Obviously, some of our ideas compete with one another, but we have tried to hear you and communicate these ideas.

I believe strongly in the collective wisdom of other followers of Christ. One of the proverbs tells us that “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed” (Proverbs 15:22). This is not the same as trying to make everyone happy! We can’t make everyone happy, but we can pray together and seek Godly wisdom.

Third, we must hear the counsel of our architects as they help us use our land and buildings in the most efficient way possible. We want to balance parking, worship space, and small group space. We want to balance space with the resources God has given us.

I am looking forward to seeing how God brings all of this together.