Martha and I have had a wonderful time away. We are grateful for the opportunity you give us to relax and refresh in July, but we have missed our church family and are happy to be returning to begin a new season of ministry with all of you. I am looking forward to my normal teaching and preaching routine this …
Week 4 of “Did you know?” In the three previous weeks we pointed out Support Groups, Resources, and Service Opportunities – this is the final week and we will look at Missions. God wants His Word to “speed on and triumph” all around the world as it did in 2 Thessalonians 3:1. Here are a few ways we have to …
Week 3 of “Did you know?” In the two previous weeks we pointed out Support Groups and Resources – this week is Service. Did you know that we need you to serve? Below are several areas where you can join in and be a blessing to others through your service. This is just “some” of many! First Impressions Team Door Greeters: …
Week 2 of “Did you know?” In the same way that we pointed out Support Groups last week, we want to point you to several RESOURCES which can help you and your family. Family Room Open during all weekend services and located beside the Worship Center Entrance near the Coffee Shop. This room is setup to assist families with small …
Over the next few weeks, I want to highlight some of the ministries of First Baptist Church. And the question I ask is: “Did you know?” Today, we want you to look at some of our SUPPORT GROUP MINISTRIES. These are practical and caring groups to help you navigate life in difficult times. GriefShare Thursdays @ 9:30AM-10:45AM Room W412 Wednesdays @ …
At our most recent congregational meeting, I reported to the church concerning our worship attendance, Connect Group attendance, and giving over the past few months. I want to share these areas with all of you and update the information. First, let’s look at worship attendance. The following statistics come from the time of Mardi Gras weekend through last week. This …
Happy Father’s day! I hope you have a wonderful Father’s Day, even if you don’t have a father in your home. Is there anything in your life more important than your family relationships? Will anything matter more in this world than how you get along with the members of your family? What can you do to make your family better? …
I want to tell you about VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL This past week our Vacation Bible School was a whirlwind of energy, excitement, fun, and great spiritual devotion. In short, we had a good time as we sought to be pleasing to God. Here are some of the things you need to know about our Vacation Bible School. First, we had …
I have very much enjoyed preaching the Why? sermon series. I actually don’t ask why of many other people, but I certainly ask why of myself and of our church. I have enjoyed explaining the “Whys” of what we do. This weekend I am preaching about “Why We Seek to Progress as Believers.” As you anticipate the sermon and then …
VBS, Your Children, and their Safety Vacation Bible School is quickly approaching on June 7th, 8th, & 9th, and hope you will make sure your children join with us. Your children need to be involved in VBS. Each year almost half of our baptisms come either directly or indirectly from children who attend Vacation Bible School. Their attendance gives them …