I want to thank all of you who came to our Rise Up! Reveal Gatherings. Your willingness to give the time and the effort to attend encouraged all of those on the pastoral team as well as the Strategy Planning Team and the leadership for the capital campaign.
Thank you for caring about the future ministry of First Baptist Church.
If you were unable to attend one of our meetings, you can view the conceptual renderings of the new building in the Foyer. We will leave those up for a few weeks to give everyone the opportunity to “visualize” the building.
I am looking forward to this Friday (November 15th) and to the weekend services when we arrive at the culmination of the Rise Up! Campaign. Our Friday night is a time to celebrate our future together. This is a time when the whole church can fellowship and worship together as we look to our future. Friday night is for the entire church. We will meet together under the Pavilion (and in the ROC) for a meal together. It will be a time to spend time with other followers of Christ (both new and old). The food and fellowship time will begin at 5:30. You may also come later if your schedule demands a later arrival.
Our worship time will begin at 7:30 and will end before 8:30. We will take the Lord’s Supper together as a sign of our oneness in Christ.
Next weekend’s services will be the time of our commitment to provide more space for fellowship and Bible Study. You will receive a commitment card in the mail this week. We ask you to bring it to worship and give it as an act of worship. If you cannot attend, you can mail the card or make your commitment online at fbccov.org. Click on “Rise Up!” and then on “commit.”
May God bless our service together for our Lord.
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