There’s a wonderful new worship song entitled ‘The God of Amazing” by Benji Cowart and Michael Farren.
The lyrics go like this:
You’re the God of Amazing. You’re the God of what cannot be explained. You’re the God who delights to be more than we’ve ever hoped for. There’s no end to the power of Your name. You’re the God of astounding, far beyond our impossibilities.
Our God is “The God of Amazing”. There’s nothing that shows who He is like His incarnation in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. During the month of December, we are going to look at God through His coming into the world as found in chapters 1 and 2 of Matthew’s Gospel.
Matthew’s Gospel is both human (from Matthew) and divine (through the Holy Spirit). Matthew shows us the promise which was fulfilled in Scripture, and he again and again tells us how Jesus “filled full” the meaning and significance of the Old Testament.
We will see how The God of Amazing chose Mary and Joseph, then constantly provided for the safety of the baby. We will explore how God made Himself known to Joseph and gave Him direction for life.
We will also see how this applies to us as well.
You and I worship the same God of Amazing as the One who spoke to Joseph in dreams and inspired the Wise Men. We worship the One who provided for our redemption in Christ.
We will take the five Sundays in December to look at Matthew 1-2. This will include a very special Christmas Eve Service on Sunday.
Our Christmas Eve services will take place at 9:30, 11:00, 1:30, and 3:00. We are looking forward to having David Logan, our new Minister of Music, with us that Sunday.
May we all have a Christmas season that draws us closer to our Amazing God.