Things I Am Thankful For

All of us have many things for which we need to express gratitude. It is so easy to take our blessings for granted.

Here are two things related to First Baptist Church for which I am thankful.

First, I am thankful for the beautiful worship services last week when so many people made commitments to continue to provide space for “people who are not yet followers of Christ” and for those who desire to worship with us.

We had a large majority of our congregation join in this commitment. My goal throughout has been that we would join together to do this. I am thankful for so many people having prayed and asked God to give them guidance about what He desires.

If you have not had the opportunity to make your commitment, you may do so at the church office or online. Commitment cards are still available at the church office. My goal is 100% participation.

Second, I am thankful for our Strategy Planning Team and our pastoral team for their leadership and hard work during this time. They have given many extra hours to make this happen.

We have engaged the H & H architectural firm out of Dallas, Texas, to design our building. They are a nationwide firm specializing in churches. We have already begun to meet with them, and we are pleased with the progress we are seeing.

Their first action has been to look at how we do ministry and the numbers of people we are reaching. They want to help us determine exactly what we need and the best way to construct it.

They are looking at a number of different options and scenarios to meet our needs. They understand that needs and resources must coincide.

I am thankful for the teams and for H & H. Proverbs 15:22 tells the value of many counselors: “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed.”

Make God bless us with His counsel.