First Baptist Church Covington is privileged to be a part of a wonderful family of churches, specifically Metairie Church, Metairie Korean Church, and First Baptist Church Kenner.
Each of these congregations are different, but each is vital to our ministry and to the Southeast Louisiana region.
Let me tell you about these three congregations.
Recently, with the concurrence of all three congregations, we moved Metairie Church and Metairie Korean Church to the campus of FBC Kenner on Williams Boulevard.
As a result of this, our Korean congregation has changed its name to New Orleans Korean Baptist Church to reflect its new location and its strategic outreach to the greater New Orleans area. NOKBC meets Sunday afternoons at 2:00PM.
Metairie Church moved as well. We are thankful for FBC Kenner inviting them in and helping with locations for Connect Groups. The lack of space for Connect Groups was a major part of our decision.
As you know, Connect Groups are a vital part of our strategy for reaching people and developing disciples.
In an unrelated development, our Metairie Church pastor, Augustine Hui, will be moving to Brooklyn to become the lead pastor of the church his father founded 50 years ago. Augi, Laura, and Willa will be moving around Christmas time for this exciting opportunity. We will miss Augi and his leadership and we are grateful for his ministry.
Please pray for God’s blessings for these congregations and their leaders.