What the Wizard of Oz Can Teach Us About Truth

wizard-of-oz-original1Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz have a profound message to teach about truth – particularly God’s truth.

It’s not hard to relive the wizard of Oz. After all, how many times have you seen it? I have viewed it so many times I feel I can quote most of the lines along with Dorothy and the other characters.

It’s hard not to like the characters – even the Wicked Witch of the West. It’s certainly easy to like the Tin man, the Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion.

These are all people with great needs. They all have something that is hurting them deeply. They all need what the wizard can give.

I think of Dorothy and her three friends as a parable about life itself. We all have tremendous needs, and we all need the help of the wizard.

Therein lies the problem. Not only can the wizard not help them, he’s not a wizard. He’s just a man behind the curtain.

What the Wizard of Oz teaches us about biblical truth is that we need the help and blessing of God.

In Him we can do all things; without Him we can do nothing.

Paul stated it so well: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

The Wizard of Oz teaches us about the importance of truth. It’s not trust or faith or belief that matters; It’s the object of our trust that matters.

The man behind the curtain can do little for us; the God of heaven can do everything for us.

It matters in whom you place your trust.

Let us take the lesson from the Wizard of Oz and let us learn to put our trust in God alone.

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