Why is this the case, and what does it mean?
First, the world has already made this association. In their minds, you are the church. If we live before them either righteously or unrighteously, they will assume the church is as we are. The world will judge the church by you and me.
This, of course, puts great pressure on us. Our speech, our attitudes, and our actions are being judged by the people around us. It is truly imperative that we “be” the church.
Second, whatever the church does, we do. If we serve, it serves. If we are generous, it is generous.
The church cannot minister without each of its members being faithful to God and mindful of the needs around us. I know this statement is true at FBC Covington and probably is true in every congregation: we need you to volunteer to do the work of ministry.
We need people with deep commitment and a strong work ethic. We need servants who see their service as “unto Christ” Himself.
Third, we must be lifelong learners who seek more and more every day to become like Christ and to live out who He is in all our associations and relationships.
“Let this mind be in you which also was in Christ Jesus” –Philippians 2:5.