Working with Our Partners

By: Waylon Bailey

We are blessed to have many allies as we seek to do the work of ministry.

I am thankful for the churches of our area and throughout the state who faithfully live for Christ and preach the unchanging Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I am particularly thankful for our many partners among Louisiana Baptists who cooperate with us to make Christ known to our state. Baptists have historically emphasized evangelism, missions, and education as areas where we partner together to do the work of ministry.

Today, we are pleased to have one of our partners filling our pulpit. We welcome Dr. Rick Brewer to our worship services. Dr. Brewer is the newly installed President of Louisiana College. Dr. and Mrs. Brewer moved to Pineville and Louisiana College at the beginning of the summer from Charleston Southern University. He has more than 35 years experience working with college students. Dr. Brewer is an accomplished musician and an ordained Baptist minister.

Rick Brewer

Louisiana College is our Baptist College. For over 100 years, Louisiana College has followed the vision of providing quality education in a Christian environment. LC has equipped many young people throughout its history. It has particularly embraced the vision of Louisiana Baptists to help prepare pastors and other ministers to lead the churches of our state and to do ministry around the world.

We are thankful to have Dr. and Mrs. Brewer (Cathy) with us today. Dr. Brewer will speak to the parents of high school students this afternoon at 4:00 in The ROC to help parents prepare their students for college.

We are also blessed to have the Voices of LC to lead us as we worship. You will be blessed as these Louisiana College students lead us to worship and adoration of our Lord.

Please join with me in welcoming these partners in ministry.

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