~by Waylon Bailey
When the Prophet Jeremiah struggled with the hard times of life, it seems that he saw three choices (Jeremiah 20:1-13).
Jeremiah had been obedient to God, but he suffered because of his obedience. Anytime we do something right and it doesn’t turn out well for us we struggle with the outcome.
While you and I may not be limited to three choices, I want us to look at Jeremiah’s three choices and apply them to our lives.
Choice One: You can blame someone else for your problems.
Jeremiah seemed to have blamed God for calling him to proclaim God’s Word. Jeremiah accused God with deceiving him and overpowering him. Both the word for deception and particularly the word for overpowering are extremely harsh words.
We live in a day when it is fashionable to be a victim and to therefore blame other people for our problems. This is a choice we all get to make, but it does not help our circumstances or overcome our difficulties.
Choice Two: You can quit.
This, too, has become a very popular choice. Jeremiah obviously thought about this choice. Fortunately, he saw that it was not a really viable choice for him. God had done exactly as He said, placing His words in Jeremiah’s mouth. Because of that Jeremiah had a fire of God’s words in his bones that had to be let out.
Like Jeremiah, it’s good for us when we cannot quit.
Choice Three: You can deal with the dilemma creatively and make the most of it.
This is the choice Jeremiah finally chose, and it is obviously the choice which is best for us as well.
When we accept life as it is and determine to make it better, we can help ourselves and help the people around us.
God does make a way when we don’t see any way. He does want to bless us as we seek Him and follow His way.
To make the best of life we have to take the initiative and find creative ways to persevere and endure.
Have a great week!