A Gift Like No Other

By: Waylon Bailey ~ Yesterday was a great day. No one on earth planned it this way but the coordination of events was beautiful to behold. Yesterday morning I preached on the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and last night we baptized sixty-four people in the Bogue Falaya River in Covington, Louisiana. All four gospels speak of the promised baptism …

Four Game Changers for Your Church

By: Waylon Bailey ~ I promise. Adopt these four attitudes and practices and your church experience will be decisively changed for the better. What are they? First, acknowledge that what you think of the church or pastor or preaching is of little consequence. It really doesn’t matter what I think of the church. What matters is what Christ thinks of …

How Can You Really Live?

By: Waylon Bailey ~ How does a person like Paul live? Think of all that the Apostle Paul did. He wrote thirteen books of the New Testament, made three missionary journeys, suffered horrific persecution, and finally faced execution. Paul wrote about his trials in this way: “Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. Three times …

Questions for Speaking the Truth

My current sermon series is “Speaking the Truth.” The title comes from Paul’s admonition that believers “speak the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15). Speaking the truth in love will mean that we will ”grow up in every way into him in all things, who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by every …

Jesus and Honest Seekers

By: Waylon Bailey ~ Very few passages of Scripture are more intriguing than the encounter of Nicodemus and Jesus as found in John 3. While many expositors see this conversation differently, I see it as a conversation between an honest seeker – Nicodemus – and the very Son of God. The subject of this conversation makes it even more revealing. …

Becoming Like Christ

By: Waylon Bailey God says He wants us to be holy because He is holy. God desires our sanctification. He wants us daily to be conforming to His image. You may wonder how you can live a holy life. You also may wonder how you can experience sanctification. God’s word is very explicit about this. We are to be transformed …

How to Get Off Dead Center

By: Waylon Bailey ~ I often hear people talk about being stuck or not being able to make any real progress. They often mean they are simply stuck in the middle and can’t go forward and can’t go back. How do you get off dead center? How do you get where you want to be and where you know you …

You Can’t Do Without This

By: Waylon Bailey ~ We simply must have an adequate view of God. Without knowing God, we will miss the essence of the Christian faith. What happens when you experience God? What difference does it make in a person’s life? The best answer to that question might be found in the experience of Isaiah the Prophet. While in the temple …

Back Home

By: Waylon Bailey Martha and I appreciate our time away, and we are happy to be home. Thank you for giving us time to decompress and get away from the daily preparation time. You are gracious and thoughtful. But, we are happy to be back and looking forward to moving forward as we seek as a church to minister to …

How Do I Get “Unstuck”?

By: Waylon Bailey Sometimes, I simply feel “stuck.” “Stuck” is not a good place to be. It means that things are not going right in a relationship, a career, or with God. Is it possible to get unstuck? How do you get out of the rut and into life as God purposed it to be? First, determine to be the …