By: Waylon Bailey Easter’s coming and we’re ready for you. It’s hard to miss the significance of the resurrection of Christ. Paul talked about resurrection in general and the resurrection of Christ specifically: “And if Christ wasn’t raised to life, our message is worthless, and so is our faith. If the dead won’t be raised to life, we have told …
Bible Fellowship Opportunities
FIVE GREAT OPPORTUNITIES TO CONNECT IN A SMALL GROUP NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN, MARRIED, AND SINGLE ADULTS BEGINNING SUNDAY, APRIL 27 1) The Art of Marriage – led by Bill Boren – 9:45 AM (20-30’s) 2) The Art of Marriage – led by Reed Connerat – 11:00 AM (20-30’s) 3) Men’s Class – led by Tom Chambless – 11:00 AM …
The Truth About The Cross
By: Waylon Bailey The cross is the central event of history. It is right to divide history at the cross. Life really is lived “before Christ” (BC) and “in the year of our Lord” (AD). When we see the truth of the cross and begin to live according to that truth, then we begin to divide our life in the …
Your Part in Making Easter Better
By: Waylon Bailey We–the church–have a wonderful opportunity this Easter to make our worship a blessed time for us and for our guests. Remember that many people come to church at Easter who do not worship at other times of the year. What can you and I do make this a better time? First, participate in worship. Don’t spectate–participate. This …
The Cross Is Still Scandalous
By: Waylon Bailey The cross is a stumbling block. From the Greek word for stumbling block, we get the English word scandal. The cross is scandalous because it depicts a dying Messiah and a suffering servant. It describes a way of salvation that humans could never dream up. Paul noted that Jews seek miraculous signs and Greeks simply think of …
The Person Of Christ
Who is Jesus and what did He come to do? In theological circles those questions have to do with the person and work of Christ. Who is Jesus? This was the big question for the church at Colossae. False teachers had come who taught that Jesus was God but not human. Isn’t it amazing? The false teachers of today accept …
You Showed Up!
You showed up at our congregational meeting, and I appreciate your attendance. We met Wednesday night to discuss the recommendation from our architects and to hear a proposal from our Strategy Planning Team (SPT). The Strategy Planning Team, chaired by Jay Sigl, has been tasked with overseeing the planning and construction of our new building. The recommendation of our architects …
Your Forever Family
By: Waylon Bailey The church of the Lord Jesus Christ is unique. It is the multi-racial, multi-cultural body founded by Christ to welcome all and to make all people new in Him. There simply is nothing like it in all of human history. Think with me about what makes the church unique. 1. Christ created the church by dying for …
Please Don’t Miss
By: Waylon Bailey A view of church life at First Baptist Covington. First Baptist Church Covington has several important events over the next few weeks. These are important to the church and important for you. Wednesday, March 19, at 6:15 PM. This Wednesday we meet as a church body to hear a presentation from our architects and from the Strategy …
Sometimes We Forget
By: Waylon Bailey Sometimes we just forget. We forget to be thankful, forget the kindnesses of others, or forget the blessing of having a wife or children. Sometimes we simply take other people for granted. Sometimes we forget that other people hurt as badly as we do. Sometimes we forget to do unto others as we want them to do …