First Baptist Church Covington member David Draffen shares his hope and faith as he battles stage 4 lung cancer. Watch his testimony.
We Need Your Help This Saturday Morning (6/29)
By: Bill Boren, D.Min., Family Life Pastor Help Needed in the Morning We will be cleaning and resetting the facility from World Changers beginning at 7:00 am in the morning, Saturday, June 29. If you are willing and able,we could use your help! Please email Bill Boren at if you are available. We have had a great week of …
“My Hope”
I am excited about my sermon this weekend. (BTW, if the pastor who preaches is not excited about the sermon, we are in trouble). The story is the call of Matthew to serve as Jesus’ disciple and what Matthew did in response (Matthew 9:9-17). This is what Matthew did. He invited other tax collectors and sinners to a dinner party. …
Vacation Bible School Highlights
Video Day 1
Moving Forward On The FBC Master Plan
This past Wednesday night First Baptist Church voted to move forward with an 80,000 square foot addition to our campus. The building will provide space for preschool, children, and adults of all ages. It will allow us to provide office space and a large welcoming area which will figuratively and literally become the front door of the church. This will …
Coming Events
Here are several important events we need to remember for the coming days. First, this is Memorial Day weekend in America. We need to remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. We especially need to teach our children about this day and its significance. I will have a good story in tomorrow’s blog of a great way …
Moving Toward Our New Building
Thanks to all of you who read this blog. The following words are about events at the local church where I have been privileged to serve as pastor for 24 years. This will give you an idea of my philosophy of leadership and the practical ways I use to inform the congregation. May God bless you in your places of …
Could This Change Your Child?
Advertisements abound about changing some aspect of your child’s life or behavior. Whether these work or not, I don’t know. Earlier in the week, I talked with someone burdened with kids (mainly teens) who have checked out on life and who, at such an early age, have little hope in life. We talked about what the church can do and …
Making Church “Just Right”
Last week I had the privilege to visit Metairie Church and preach in person at the morning worship service. These are words which characterized my experience: warm, inviting, friendly, caring. In other words, Metairie Church is becoming exactly what we wanted it to be. The building itself is warm and inviting. The location is easy to find, and Christ is …
Learning To Give Cheerfully
Paul asked the church at Corinth to be “cheerful givers” by giving for the relief of the saints in Jerusalem. Our God extends that same plea to the church as a whole as we use our material resources for His kingdom. What does “cheerful giving” mean? First, it implies a radical departure from the self-centeredness of the world. Could any …