By Waylon Bailey It’s one of those strange times in history. Everything has changed, and nothing has changed. Everything has changed because of the Covid-19 virus and the stay at home orders. For that reason, we missed at least a quarter of school, churches have not met, jobs have been lost, and businesses shuttered. Now we find ourselves trying to …
The Church and Late Adopters
By Dr. Waylon Bailey. Yesterday in my blog (, I explained the concept or early, middle, and late adopters. You will find that this paradigm is very helpful in understanding people, and society as a whole, but especially helpful to understand a church congregation. By the way, I would appreciate your subscribing to my blog (it’s free and easy to …
Early Adopters – and Late!
By Waylon Bailey Years ago I learned the concept of early, middle, and late adopters. I’ve been watching and confirming this phenomenon ever since. This understanding has helped me tremendously in pastoral leadership. I think it will help you as well in the way you lead and relate to people. Here’s the way it works. We all fit in one …
As We ReGather
By Dr. Waylon Bailey As we regather, we have much for which to be thankful. This would be a good time for us to remember those areas. First, I am thankful for the faithfulness of the church during this time. You have ministered to and cared for one another in difficult times. You have also cared for many individuals outside …
The One Thing You Must Do
By Dr. Waylon Bailey. This weekend will mark the beginning of our re-gathering as the church. This is the weekend we have looked forward to. For many of us, we simply didn’t know how much we missed being with the body of Christ. That leads to our dilemma. How many people will be a part of this weekend? Will everything …
When You Pray
By Waylon Bailey. Jesus emphasized prayer but not in the way commonly done. For Jesus, prayer was not about being seen or convincing God to do what He wanted. He encouraged us to pray. He repeatedly said, “When you pray” (see Matthew 6:5-12). Jesus saw prayer as a time of deep intimacy with God. The pharisees prayed openly three times …
Our ReGathering
By Waylon Bailey Beginning Memorial Day weekend, May 23-24, we will begin re-gathering for worship at FBC Covington. Like you, I am extremely excited to meet together again with the family of God. Our church pastoral team has been preparing for weeks for this day. We are ready for you, and we are anxious to begin the process of bringing the …
Learning to Pray
By Waylon Bailey Growing Christians want to pray deeper, more meaningful prayers, and they want to draw near to God as they pray. I believe this is a true statement. For this reason, I believe that you have the genuine desire to become more like Jesus in your prayer life. This weekend I will be preaching about prayer as we …
Good News
By Waylon Bailey I have good news. According to the guidelines issued by the president and our governor, we will re-gather for live services beginning Saturday evening May 23 at 6 PM. We will then meet Sunday, May 24 at 9 AM and 11 AM. We have moved the 9:30 service to 9:00 AM to allow time to clean the facility between services. When our connect groups and children’s …
You are the Key Concerning God’s Word
By Waylon Bailey. God’s Word will change your life for the better, and it will do more than you can imagine. One of the first apostles gave this testimony: “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and …