Dr. Waylon Bailey's Lagniappe

The Day We ReGather

By Waylon Bailey. We are not yet ready to announce the date when we will re-gather as the church, but that date is getting closer all the time. Remember, the church is not re-opening; it is simply re-gathering. The church has not been closed. It has been open and working, and I simply cannot tell you how proud I am …

Stages and Phases of ReGathering

By Waylon Bailey. Soon churches all over America and around the world will start regathering–what wonderful days that will be. We have learned again why Jesus died for His church. How good our God is! As I have noted before, we don’t have an exact date for regathering, but we anticipate it will be soon. When that happens, our church …

Trust and Regathering

By Waylon Bailey. Where will you eat out in the future? On what airline will you fly? What about which hotel where you will stay? All of these have the same answer–the one I trust. For the foreseeable future, trust will be the number one criterion for places we will visit in the coming days. That includes places of worship. …

As the Church Regathers

By Waylon Bailey. Soon churches in America will regather for public worship. We can all be thankful that we have done our best to be good citizens who cooperated with those in authority to “flatten the curve” and not overwhelm our healthcare professionals. We can be very proud to have been a part of that. But now we have the …

Follow FBC Covington

By Waylon Bailey. Starting this week you will receive a new communication from FBC Covington. It’s called (at least for the time being) Follow FBC Covington. It’s purpose is to keep you up to date with things you need to know. So, what things do you need to know? The kind of things where you say, “I hadn’t heard that.” …

The First Words of the Day

By Waylon Bailey. How did your day start? I’ve long encouraged people to rise a little earlier than they really have to in order to start the day with God. That practice may be the most meaningful part of my day. Starting the day with God can take several forms. You can pray, read Scripture, meditate and memorize Scripture, or …

“It’s Not Time to be Invisible”

By Waylon Bailey. The last six weeks have been remarkable. We will never forget this time in our lives. One of the positives that has come from this time is the necessity to connect with people other than in our weekend worship services. So many of us connect simply–and wonderfully–by passing someone in the hallway, smiling, and moving on. That …

What Jesus Didn’t Say

By Waylon Bailey. There are a lot of things Jesus didn’t say. Some of those things are said about Him and about His teaching everyday. Sometimes we hear these things so often that we assume Jesus had to say them. Think with me about some of the things Jesus didn’t say. He didn’t say, “All you have to do is …

Dr. Waylon Bailey's Lagniappe

Focusing on the Future

By Waylon Bailey. In times like these, focusing is a difficult task. It’s also difficult to think of anything other than wearing a mask, staying at home, and doing only what is required for the day. While this may be normal for the world, it is not worthy of the family of God. You and I have been called to …

I Will Lift My Eyes to the Hills

By Waylon Bailey. I woke up this morning feeling hopeful. The good news is that I wake almost every morning feeling hopeful. Today I feel hopeful for a number of reasons. In Louisiana, where we have suffered mightily from Covid-19 and death, the number of new infections is going down. Yesterday, the number was lower than in several days with …