Making the Most of the Time

By Waylon Bailey. Paul told both the Ephesian Christians and the Colossian believers to make the most of every opportunity. We need to heed his advice and admonition as well. Most of us find ourselves under a “stay at home” order. Our children are out of school and if we have a job we are working from home. How can …

We Have An Enemy

By Waylon Bailey. We have an enemy who seeks to kill, steal, and destroy. He is the prince of this world, and he does not give up territory without a fight. Therefore, we can expect hard times ahead. But this is an exciting time to be in the fight for God. God is doing amazing things. You can see it …

What You Can Do to Make a Difference

By Waylon Bailey. I am thankful to hear so many people ask, “What can I do to make a difference?” Make a difference by praying. Pray at 7:14 AM or 7:14 PM or both times that God would heal our land. This time and this request both come from 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people who are called by my …

You Can Say “Thank You”

By Waylon Bailey. Yesterday I listened to Dr. Jerome Adams, Surgeon General of the United States. He was on a program answering questions about Covid-19. He was asked multiple questions about masks, how the virus is spread, and even a question about grocery stores. I don’t remember the specific question about grocery stores, but I definitely remember his answer. When …

How to Pray 2 Chronicles 7:14

By Waylon Bailey. Many local believers and thousands around the world are praying at special times during the day asking God to protect us and to heal our land. Many churches, both Catholic and Protestant, have joined together in the New Orleans region to pray for God’s protection. You may know that the New Orleans region is one of the …

Asking God for Mercy and Deliverance

By Waylon Bailey I want to encourage you to fight this virus attacking the world by praying for God’s mercy and deliverance. I read recently that 70% of Americans are praying for health and protection. Therefore, a lot of us are praying in this way. Could I ask you take this a step farther? I want to ask you to …

Three Lessons to be Learned from this Present Crisis

By Waylon Bailey We are currently going through an astounding crisis, but this will not be the last crisis in your life. Life is filled with hard times, but even in the hard times we learn good lessons. Actually, most of the real lessons of life come from difficulty. Paul said that afflictions bring perseverance and perseverance proven character, and …

Things You Can Do as This Virus Intensifies

By Waylon Bailey We are living through a national crisis. This crisis affects healthcare, government, the economy, and how we will live in the future. Our health, future, and families are being affected. But we are not alone, and we are not without hope. Here are some things I want to encourage you to do as we wait. First, pray. …

The Samaritan Center in Need of Donations

FBC Family, One of our local ministry partners, The Samaritan Center, in Mandeville continues to meet the needs of people in our community that need food. They are not only distributing food, they are listening, praying and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ as people allow. They are distributing food via a car line on Wednesdays & Fridays.  Please consider …

How to Cope with Social Distancing

By Waylon Bailey I’m sure I’ve never thought that I would be writing about social distancing or how to cope with being quarantined, but this is reality. By the way, when I told a friend about this blog, he suggested that another title might be, “How to live with your children all day without going stir crazy.” I laughed and …